Let's Make Pour Decisions

Howdy folks! It's me, your friendly neighborhood booze-ologist... okay, that's a partial lie, but I'll take any excuse to drink that doesn't involve me leaving the house.

I'm going to come clean up front, however... I'm not much of a wine buff. If this were Geography of Liquor, I would be difficult to top without finding a true expert. Need to know what's good and bad vodka? I got you. You want to like whiskey but can't stand it's sting? You're a coward, but I got you. Heck, want to know the best bottom-shelf brands? I've been there brother, I got you.

But wine is... let's face it, sophisticated. I, the broke-ass college student, only drink wine on special occasions or when I'm home for the holidays. That said, I'm not completely uneducated. I have started to develop a palette after going on wine tastings for my 21st birthday (and even more after my younger sister turned 16 and could DD), and I've been known to partake of a bottle when someone else brings it. I can vaguely recognize the basics of flavors - dry, sweet, etc... - but that's honestly about it.

I like white wine... but couldn't tell you the specific kinds besides Sparkling Wine (because, you know, bubbles) if you really asked, and I'm not a huge fan of red wine. Something about the texture (and maybe the color alike) feels like sucking on a bloody wound... but that might be just me.

That said, by the end of this course I'd love to find a Red Wine that doesn't feel like blood and be able to confidently bring a bottle to a party and know it's not going to be awful. I don't think that's too much to ask.

Here's to a wine-derful semester,
Megan "In My Fuckin' Kitchen" Ganley

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Event - Blacksburg Fork and Cork

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